How to Disable Humidity Sensor on Bathroom Fan

Bathroom fans equipped with humidity sensors have become increasingly popular in recent years. Automatic fans with built-in humidity sensors activate when the moisture level in a room surpasses a specific limit. Their purpose is to inhibit the growth of mold and mildew while enhancing the quality of indoor air. Nevertheless, there might be instances when you wish to deactivate the humidity sensor functionality. This could be due to a malfunctioning sensor or a personal preference for manual fan control.

This article will explore how to disable humidity sensor on bathroom fan. We will present a detailed guide that includes step-by-step instructions for various fan types and valuable tips to assist you throughout the process.

How to Disable Humidity Sensor on Bathroom Fan

Gather Necessary Tools

Before disabling the humidity sensor on your bathroom fan, gathering all the necessary tools to ensure a smooth and efficient operation is essential. Having the right tools on hand will make the task easier and help prevent any damage to the fan or its components. The tools you will need include:

– A screwdriver: A screwdriver is essential for removing and reattaching the fan cover and disconnecting any components that may be secured with screws. Ensure you have flathead and Phillips head screwdrivers, as different fans may require different types.

– Wire cutter: A wire cutter is necessary for cutting the wires connected to the humidity sensor if they cannot be easily unplugged.

– Wire stripper: A wire stripper removes the insulation from the ends of the wires after cutting them, allowing you to cap them with wire nuts.

– Wire nuts: Wire nuts are small plastic caps used to cover the exposed ends of wires, preventing electrical shorts and ensuring safety.

These readily available tools will make disabling the humidity sensor much more manageable and efficient.

Turn Off Power

Ensuring safety should be your foremost concern when dealing with electrical devices like a bathroom fan. Before disabling the humidity sensor, switching off the power to the fan is critical to minimize the risk of electrical shocks. To accomplish this, locate your house’s circuit breaker or fuse box in a utility room, basement, or garage.

Once you have located the circuit breaker or fuse box, identify the specific breaker or fuse that controls the power to the bathroom fan. This may be labeled as “bathroom,” “ventilation,” or something similar. Turn off the breaker or remove the fuse to cut power to the fan. It is a good idea to use a voltage tester or non-contact voltage detector to confirm that no electricity is flowing to the fan before proceeding with the next steps.

Remove the Fan Cover

With the power turned off, you can safely remove the fan cover to access the internal components of the bathroom fan. The fan cover is the outer casing that conceals the fan’s motor, blades, and other components, including the humidity sensor. Removing the fan cover may require unscrewing or unclipping it from the fan housing, depending on the specific design of your bathroom fan.

To detach the fan cover, examine it for any noticeable screws or clips that could be securing it. If you spot screws, employ the suitable screwdriver (flathead or Phillips’s head) to cautiously loosen and remove them. If clips are used, gently press or pry them open to release the cover. Be cautious not to damage the cover or any internal components during this process. Once the cover is removed, set it aside safely to prevent damage or loss of any screws or clips.

Locate the Humidity Sensor

With the fan cover removed, you can now locate the humidity sensor within the bathroom fan. The humidity sensor is responsible for detecting changes in humidity levels and automatically activating the fan when necessary. It is typically a small rectangular or cylindrical component with two wires connected to it.

The humidity sensor may be mounted on the fan housing or on the fan’s circuit board, depending on the specific design of your bathroom fan. Carefully inspect the internal components of the fan to identify the humidity sensor. It may be helpful to consult the user manual or manufacturer’s website for guidance on locating the sensor in your specific fan model.

Once you have located the humidity sensor, take note of its position and how it is connected to the fan. This information will be crucial for the next steps, as you will need to disconnect the sensor to disable it.

Disconnect the Humidity Sensor

With the humidity sensor located, the next step is to disconnect it from the bathroom fan. This will disable the sensor’s ability to detect humidity levels and trigger the fan. Before proceeding, ensure that the power is still turned off to avoid any risk of electrical shock.

To disconnect the humidity sensor, first, examine how it is connected to the fan. The sensor could be linked to wires that are either inserted into a connector or soldered directly onto the circuit board. If the wires are connected to a connector, delicately detach the connector by firmly grasping it and pulling it away from the socket. In the case of soldered wires, employ a wire cutter to cautiously sever the wires as close to the sensor as feasible.

After disconnecting the sensor, use a wire stripper to remove a small section of insulation from the ends of the cut wires. Then, twist wire nuts onto the exposed ends of the wires to prevent electrical shorts and ensure safety.

Secure the Disconnected Wires

Once the humidity sensor has been disconnected, it is essential to secure the disconnected wires to prevent any potential electrical hazards or interference with the fan’s operation. Properly securing the wires will also help maintain a neat and organized appearance within the fan housing.

To secure the disconnected wires, first, ensure that the wire nuts are tightly twisted onto the exposed ends of the wires. This will prevent any accidental contact between the wires and other components within the fan. Next, use electrical tape to wrap around the wire nuts and a small portion of the insulated wire. This will provide additional protection and help keep the wire nuts in place.

Finally, use cable ties or small adhesive clips to neatly bundle the disconnected wires together and secure them to the fan housing or other nearby components. This will prevent the wires from moving around or becoming entangled with other parts of the fan during operation.

Reassemble the Bathroom Fan

With the humidity sensor disconnected and the wires secured, it is now time to reassemble the bathroom fan. Reassembling the fan involves reversing the steps taken to disassemble it and ensuring that all components are properly reconnected and secured in their original positions.

Begin by carefully positioning the fan cover back onto the fan housing. Align the cover with the housing, making sure that any vents, openings, or mounting points are correctly aligned. If the cover was secured with screws, use the appropriate screwdriver to reattach the screws, being careful not to overtighten them. If the cover was held in place by clips, gently press or snap the clips back into place, ensuring a secure fit.

Double-check that all components are properly seated and secured before moving on to the next step.

Restore Power and Test the Fan

With the bathroom fan reassembled, it is now time to restore power and test the fan to ensure that it is functioning correctly without the humidity sensor. To restore power, return to the circuit breaker or fuse box and switch on the breaker or replace the fuse that controls the power supply to the bathroom fan.

Once power has been restored, test the fan by turning it on using the manual switch or any other control method available, such as a timer or motion sensor. The fan should operate normally, but it will no longer automatically turn on or off based on humidity levels.

If the fan does not turn on or exhibits any unusual behaviour, turn off the power and recheck the connections and assembly of the fan. If the issue persists, consult the user manual or contact the manufacturer for further assistance.

Frequently Asked Related Questions

Why Does Leviton Humidity Sensor Keeps Turning on

If your Leviton humidity sensor keeps turning on, there may be several reasons why this is happening. Here are some possible causes and solutions: 

1. High Humidity Levels: The primary cause for the activation of a humidity sensor is typically elevated humidity levels within the room. If the sensor is functioning properly, it will activate the fan to aid in humidity reduction. To address this concern, you may need to modify the humidity level setting on the sensor or utilize a dehumidifier to decrease the overall humidity within the room effectively.

2. Faulty Sensor: If the humidity sensor is faulty, it may turn on the fan even when the humidity levels are not high. In this case, you may need to replace the sensor to solve the issue. 

3. Wiring Issues: In the event of incorrect wiring between the sensor and the fan, the sensor might activate the fan unnecessarily. To address this issue, inspect the wiring to confirm proper connections and ensure there are no loose or disconnected wires.

4. Interference from Other Devices: Other devices in the room, such as air conditioners or humidifiers, may interfere with the humidity sensor and cause it to turn on the fan. Try moving these devices away from the sensor or turning them off to see if this solves the issue. 

5. Sensor Placement: The placement of the humidity sensor may also affect its performance. Make sure that the sensor is installed in an appropriate location, away from any sources of moisture or heat that may affect its readings. If none of these solutions works, you may need to contact Leviton customer support for further assistance.

Why My Humidity Sensing Bathroom Fan Won’t Turn Off

If your humidity-sensing bathroom fan doesn’t turn off, there may be a few different reasons why. One possibility is that the humidity sensor is malfunctioning. The sensor may detect high humidity levels even when they aren’t present, causing the fan to run continuously. 

Another possibility is that the fan’s timer is stuck in the “on” position. This can happen if the timer mechanism becomes jammed or damaged. 

Finally, there may be an issue with the wiring or electrical connections that is preventing the fan from turning off. To troubleshoot the issue, start by checking the humidity sensor. Ensure it is clean, free of debris, and properly calibrated. 

If the sensor appears to be functioning properly, check the timer mechanism to see if it is stuck or damaged. If the timer is the issue, you may need to replace it.

If both the humidity sensor and timer don’t seem to be the source of the problem, there could be a potential issue with the wiring or electrical connections. Diagnosing and resolving this can be challenging and may necessitate the expertise of a professional electrician. Regardless, it is crucial to address the matter promptly to prevent the fan from running continuously and consuming unnecessary energy.