How to Drywall Under Stairs

Many people don’t realize the potential for drywall under stairs. Sure, it’s a space that’s often neglected, but with a little bit of effort, it can be turned into a feature in your home. In this article, we’ll show you how to drywall under stairs and give you some tips on how to make the most of this often-overlooked space.

What is Drywall?

Drywall is a construction material made of gypsum plaster, reinforced with paper and fiberglass, and faced with a thin coating of aluminum foil. It is usually used to cover walls and ceilings.

Advantages of Drywall Under Stairs

There are a few advantages to using drywall under stairs. First, it provides an insulation barrier between the cold concrete and the living space above. Second, it is a fire-resistant material that can slow the spread of a fire if one starts in the area. Third, it is relatively inexpensive and easy to install. Finally, it can be painted or papered to match the surrounding décor.


There are a few key things to take into consideration when planning to drywall under stairs. First, you’ll need to make sure that the stairs are properly supported before beginning the project. Once you have ensured the stability of the stairs, you can begin measuring and cutting the drywall to fit. It’s important to cut the drywall accurately so that it fits snugly against the stairs and against the wall. You’ll also need to cut out an opening for the stair railing.

How to Drywall Under Stairs

Follow the instructions provided below to drywall under the stairs:


The materials needed to drywall under stairs include a straight edge, a T-bar knife, a mud pan, a hawk, and a tape measure. First, the area should be measured and marked with a straight edge. The T-bar knife is then used to cut the drywall to size. The mud pan is filled with a joint compound, and the hawk is used to hold the compound while it is applied to the wall.

Measure the Area:

To measure the area of drywall under the stairs, one would need to use a measuring tape to measure the length and width of the space. Once the dimensions are known, one can then calculate the area by multiplying the length by the width. If there are any obstacles in the way, like a railing or a wall, it is necessary to account for those when measuring. In most cases, it is best to measure from the bottom of the stairs up to the ceiling.

Cut the Drywall:

The first step is to measure the length and width of the stairs. Once you have the measurements, you will need to purchase enough drywall to cover the stairs. The drywall should be cut to size and then taped and mudded. Once the drywall is finished, you will need to install the railing. The railing can be installed before or after the paint job.

Install the Drywall:

There are a few ways to install drywall under the stairs. One option is to install the drywall before framing the stairs. This can be done by measuring and cutting the drywall to fit, then securing it in place with screws or nails. Another option is to frame the stairs first and then install the drywall. This can be done by measuring and cutting the drywall to fit, then securing it in place with screws or nails.

Sand and Paint:

Since the installation of the drywall under the stairs creates a new surface, it is necessary to sand and paint it in order to protect it from moisture and to create a finished look. First, use a hand sander to smooth out any bumps or rough spots on the surface. Then, apply a coat of primer to the drywall. Finally, paint the surface with your desired color. Be sure to allow enough time for the paint to dry completely before using the stairs.

Finishing Touches:

This particular project entailed finishing touches after installing drywall under the stairs. The area had been primed and painted, so the installation of the drywall was relatively straightforward. The main challenge was making sure that the finished product looked neat and professional. This required some precision cutting and a bit of creativity in terms of hiding the seams. In the end, the end result was a seamless transition from one level to the next.


When installing drywall under stairs, it is important to take precautions to avoid potential hazards. First, it is important to ensure that the stairs are properly supported and that the drywall will not affect their stability. Next, it is important to make sure that the stairs are well-ventilated, as moisture build-up can cause damage to the drywall. Finally, be sure to use a stud finder to locate the studs in the wall and attach the drywall accordingly.


In conclusion, if you are looking to add some extra storage space to your home, consider drywall under your stairs. It is a quick and easy project that can be completed over a weekend. Be sure to measure twice and take your time when cutting the drywall so that everything fits correctly. And always use a level when hanging the drywall to ensure that it is straight. With a little bit of elbow grease, you can have a finished product that will increase the functionality and value of your home.

Frequently Asked Related Questions

Should You Prefill Drywall Joints?

The answer to this question depends on a number of factors, including the climate, the type of insulation used in the walls, and the type of drywall. In some cases, it is advisable to fill the joints between the drywall sheets before installation; in other cases, it is better to wait until after the drywall is installed.

What Side of Drywall Tape Should Face Out?

The question of what side of drywall tape should face out is a common one for many do-it-yourselfers. The general rule is that the adhesive side of the tape should face outwards so that it will stick to the drywall. However, some people argue that the non-adhesive side of the tape should face outwards in order to create a stronger bond. Ultimately, there is no right or wrong answer, as either method will work in most cases.

Should I Leave a Gap Between Drywall Sheets?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on a variety of factors, such as the specific type of drywall being used and the overall design of the project. Some professionals may advocate leaving a gap between sheets to allow for better air circulation and prevent the build-up of moisture, while others may say that this is not necessary and can actually cause problems. In general, it is a good idea to consult with an expert before making any final decisions.

What Happens if You Hang Drywall Backward?

There are a few potential consequences of hanging drywall backward. One is that it may not adhere as well to the studs, which could lead to it falling down over time. Additionally, if the joint compound isn’t applied correctly, it could create a bumpy surface or even cause the drywall to crumble.

Do You Overlap Drywall Tape in Corners?

There is a lot of debate among professionals about whether or not you should overlap drywall tape in corners. Some people say that it’s not necessary, while others claim that it’s the best way to ensure a strong joint. The truth is that there is no one right answer – it depends on the specific situation. In some cases, overlapping the tape may help to create a stronger joint, while in others, it may not make much of a difference.

In What Order Should You Mud Drywall?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on a variety of factors, such as the type of mud and the condition of the drywall. Generally speaking, it is best to apply the mud in thin coats and allow each coat to dry completely before applying the next. If there are any major cracks or holes in the drywall, these should be repaired before applying the mud.

What’s the Difference Between Sheetrock and Drywall?

Sheetrock and drywall are both types of wallboard, but they are not the same. Sheetrock is made of gypsum plaster, while drywall is made of a mix of paper and gypsum. Sheetrock is stronger and more durable than drywall, but it is also more expensive. Drywall is less expensive and easier to install than sheetrock, but it is not as strong.

Do You Have to Tape Drywall Seams?

There is no definitive answer to this question, as it depends on the type of drywall being used and the specific situation in which it is being installed. In general, however, most professional contractors will recommend taping drywall seams to ensure a smooth, finished surface. This is because even the smallest seam can create a visible defect in the wall if not properly covered. Additionally, taping helps to seal the joint and prevent moisture and air infiltration.